Enough Firsts to Last

I’m enjoying doing life with a little more bravery. Some willingly, some of necessity, but all proving to myself that I am more capable than I thought I was. Though caution remains, the fears are slowly dissipating and I wonder what I could have achieved had I discovered this superpower much earlier.

I wouldn’t say that I was cowardly; facing hardships and demons are not for the faint of heart. There were the firsts I was thrust into without any choice, firsts such as burying your only daughter, handing your infant son over at the operating room doors and then turning and walking away, turning off your father’s life support, selling the marriage home to start all over again. While I have a few scars, I have managed to come through relatively intact.

Lately, I have been experiencing a whole lot of new firsts, much tamer and this time by my choosing. Many, many others have had the early privilege of such firsts, but when you grow up in a fairly traditional household with two brothers, and then raise four sons of your own, there are just certain things that a woman doesn’t really get the chance to put her hand to.

In just the last week alone, I got out my tools and attached the gas bottle to the new camping stove. I repaired the plug in the bathtub so that it would pop up and drain again. I put enough air in the tyres that the warning light went out 9n the first attempt.

Today, I used the boarding pass on my phone to board a plane to Perth, having successfully checked in online at home. I connected to the plane’s wifi, downloaded the appropriate app and watched a movie on my phone. I wrote and posted a ‘Slice’ at 35 000 feet.

There was one more first today, not in the doing, but in the receiving from my dear friend. Deb not only drove me to the airport, but paid for parking so that she could walk inside the terminal with me. She wheeled my carry-on and went through security. We had a late lunch, some heartfelt conversation and she walked me to my gate, hugging me and promising to be there waiting for me in a week’s time.

When Deb bypassed the Departures drop-off lane and headed for short-term parking, I almost couldn’t accept what she was doing. I reflected on all the flights over the years, my mission work in the Solomon’s and PNG, visits to family both near and far, sudden emergencies, and I held back a tear. In more than 30 flights over the years, no-one had ever walked me to my gate. I didn’t expect them to when they agreed to give me a lift, and several times I just booked my 9wn long-term parking and drove myself. Deb was an unexpected and loving first.

My firsts are bringing happiness and these days they are coming thick and fast. If they stopped now, they have brought enough joy to last for a season. I don’t think they’re going to stop though. Winter is coming, so next week, I’m building a fire pit.

2 thoughts on “Enough Firsts to Last

  1. I am so glad that you included the receiving, in addition to the doing. Being open is one of the joyous secrets to this life.


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