Grandparent in Training

I’m still pretty new to this grandparenting gig, but I take my rights and responsibilities in this unfamiliar arena very seriously. While there are some similarities to parenting, such as the need to keep the kids alive, there are several differences that I am very ready to embrace.

I’m sure you know the kinds of things I am referring to. I would consider them mild mischief and slight rule breaking. I’ve been waiting all my life to let go of some of the shackles, and my grandchildren are my perfect excuse. Plus, I’m pretty sure it will earn me the title of the best Gigi in the whole wide world!

I already have a short list started. Oreo cookies before dinner, staying up past bedtime, too many bubbles in the bath, fizzy drink while we watch Spiderman again, toys that make a mess all over the kitchen floor, stomping in puddles, drawing chalk pictures in the driveway, building a fort using mummy’s clean sheets, riding the shopping cart fast down the aisle in the supermarket; I’m ready for it all!

My little ones are far away on the other side of the country, so I don’t get to see them very often. On Saturday, I’ll be on a plane for a five-hour flight to take me to the precious little family that holds my heart so easily within its grasp. I’m ready to take up the role for which I’ve had little practice.

I figure a responsible Gigi would prepare for such a role, get into the mood, adopt the right mindset, and so I grabbed a recent opportunity. While setting up at the campsite on the weekend, I overheard a group of kids quietly experimenting with the aussie ‘coo-ee’. They were quiet, and they were tame. No, that would never do. A ‘coo-ee’ is supposed to be loud so that it can be heard for miles around, and, kids are supposed to have fun.

I shaped my hands either side of my mouth and my voice appeared out of nowhere to the children in the middle of the campgrounds.


One child dared to answer. “Coo-ee!”

I smiled to myself, and tried again, as loud as I could muster. “Coo-ee!!”

And then it started. I had unleashed something in the tribe of children. ‘Coo-ee’s’ started ringing out from here and there, interspersed with laughter, and daring to grow in volume and pitch.

Then a parent called out, “That’s enough!” and it all stopped.

It didn’t last long, but, I confess, I was inwardly proud of myself. I had insighted just a little bit of mischief, a little bit of fun that ever so slightly crossed the lines of what is proper to all of the adults. I think I am ready to go and be a Gigi.

2 thoughts on “Grandparent in Training

  1. I too recently became a grandparent and it’s the best, best thing in the entire world. I love your dream of spoiling your grandchild rotten. I get in trouble often… but it’s so worth it. I hope you have a fun-filled weekend with your little one!

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